söndag 27 juni 2010

Glad midsommar!

Hej på er, kära läsare!! :D

I just couldn't help saying hello in Swedish. Because today I mainly write to wish you - finally! - a very happy midsummer weekend - "glad midsommar!", as my dear Roxette-sister would say ;) I hope you've celebrated a bit!? Unfortunately I haven't... here in Switzerland we don't celebrate midsummer... contrary to Sweden! There it seems to be the most important folk festival of the year. How I'd love to visit Sweden once at midsummer - has to be great fun!

© by Corbis, edited by me

But as you may know (no, you probably do not yet know it.. nothing's booked so far, so I'm a bit careful with talking about a not yet organized trip ;)) it's planned to visit Sweden in the end of summer - how I'm longing for going abroad! At the moment anyway... I'm melting on a balcony (what a heat we suddenly have!), no swimming pool far and wide. So you can imagine how I'd love being able to enjoy my life somewhere at a sea / swimming pool!

© by Corbis, edited by me

With or without swimming pool I think I'll keep on sunbathing for a while... can't look like an old Swiss cheese all the time ;P

So have a sunny Sunday afternoon and you'll hear from Anki and me. There's still something I could write about... but that's somehow water under the bridge :P It's always the same with me: I have something to write, but then I either don't have enough time or I just don't feel like doing it and then when I could finally write it down it's already water under the bridge >< So we'll see whether I'll write it down or not ;)


tisdag 15 juni 2010

then I'm a year older again ;)

Yeah you see right!!! Anki is back :DDDDD xD

On Sunday, I was celebrated by all the father's side ;) or maybe not all of them xD but they clocer :P and yesterday with my mother :D

I do not know what to say (a) :) haha. I have atleast had a really good law here two days!!! (y) have had cake, ice cream, gifts. Yes :D can not be better!!!
It is finally summer here in Northern Sweden as well! =D ♥ I was in town with my friend a bit fast now :P and yes it was hot!! Meee liikkeeeee ♥

now, I had to go to the window in my room and shoot the way it looks :) I promise, the leaves are green and the sun shines. But it does not look like it is in the picture. sorry! xD :P

I do not have much to say xD Thanks so much for all nice pepole so congratulated me yesterday :D ♥
Thanks so much my dear Roxette-syster!! :) for all you written here ♥ ILY2!!!! :*

CHEERS FROM ANKI :DDDDD :* ♥ [the glass where I got from mom ;)]

Seeeyaaa next time / Anki.

måndag 14 juni 2010

Grattis på födelsedagen, kära Anki!

Heey!! :D

First of all: SORRY for the silence here, but somehow neither Anki nor myself had something important to tell here. We were both busy with school or work and that's usually not so interesting to blog about.

But a June 14th seems to be the perfect occasion to be back here. Because today one half of the Roxette-sisters celebrates her birthday: Little Anki is finally grown up today - GRATTIS PÅ DIN ARTONDE FÖDELSEDAG, MIN KÄRA ROXETTE-SYSTER!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ÄLSKAR DIG! ♥

Now I do not really know what else I should write about on this very special day in my dear Roxette-sister's life (déjà vu from Marie's birthday, I know)... but anyway I didn't want to miss blogging my best wishes for Anki here as well. I hope she - and of course you, dear readers, too - will have an unforgettable day!

See you, but I think first Anki has to tell us whether she has started well into the new year of her life! ;) /Natta.
