tisdag 15 juni 2010

then I'm a year older again ;)

Yeah you see right!!! Anki is back :DDDDD xD

On Sunday, I was celebrated by all the father's side ;) or maybe not all of them xD but they clocer :P and yesterday with my mother :D

I do not know what to say (a) :) haha. I have atleast had a really good law here two days!!! (y) have had cake, ice cream, gifts. Yes :D can not be better!!!
It is finally summer here in Northern Sweden as well! =D ♥ I was in town with my friend a bit fast now :P and yes it was hot!! Meee liikkeeeee ♥

now, I had to go to the window in my room and shoot the way it looks :) I promise, the leaves are green and the sun shines. But it does not look like it is in the picture. sorry! xD :P

I do not have much to say xD Thanks so much for all nice pepole so congratulated me yesterday :D ♥
Thanks so much my dear Roxette-syster!! :) for all you written here ♥ ILY2!!!! :*

CHEERS FROM ANKI :DDDDD :* ♥ [the glass where I got from mom ;)]

Seeeyaaa next time / Anki.

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