fredag 14 maj 2010


Good evening!! :D

How do you do? Personally I'm fine - enjoying the weekend. After quite a long time I finally know again how great it actually feels to have weekend! When you don't have to go to school or to work, then Saturday and Sunday aren't so different from the other days. But now after my first week (or rather two days :P) at work it's nice to have weekend again. Not that the work wasn't good no, not at all, but I had to get up so early in the morning and didn't sleep very much in the night (you can imagine how nervous I was!), so it's really nice to have time to sleep - and of course to update this blog a bit ;)

Well there actually isn't a lot of news... as I said, on Wednesday I started my work. So we checked out my future travel on Tuesday. On our way there we finally quickly entered the Peak Performance shop in town - I know, I'm crazy, but I was pretty curious to see what a shop where Marie Fredriksson seems to like shopping in, owned :P So we went into this shop quickly... but we left soon again: no Marie-clothes and everything was very expensive for a young girl like me :P
On Wednesday I started my work. Everything was very new, but it went well - although I was very tired on my first day there. So you can imagine how lucky I was that there was a holiday on Thursday. But unfortunatley Friday wasn't a day off too... for many people it was, so it was a bit hard to get up early and go to work. But well... my working day passed by pretty fastly and in the evening my parents and I went to a shopping center near my work. And guess what I found! - "HAPPYLAND" BY AMANDA JENSSEN!!! Is that great or great? I'm very very happy to have finally found it! So you can imagine that now I'm a bit in the happyland too ;)

(Have just noticed that Anki had a different version of this album!)

That's it, I think. Have a nice evening and weekend and see you!


2 kommentarer:

  1. Ich bien glücklich your days working were good :} though you have to wake up early everyday, now you understand me how it feels the sunday, when the other day you have to go to school or work muahahaha (6) haha no just kidding :}. Aww that's cool you have that album (though I don't know it xD).
    Wow! since a long time maggan wasn't here :O, so I decided to come here and give my greetings to the other part of the crazyfrogsssssssss <3 love u girls :B
    PS keep on going well with your work natta, and save a lot of money for to come to Chile and hold on my future guitar :z

  2. Aw that's sweet! ♥ Hehe yes now I know exactly how it feels - although I've already known it before as well... you know not long ago Natta was at school too :P
    Yeah it's damn cool, I was so happy when I discovered it in the record shop! Haha you're crazy! xD I think you should listen to this CD too! Half of the crazy frogs already like it, so maybe the other two crazy frogs would like it too...? :)
    That's true, our blog entries missed some comments! ;) So thank you for your comments and greetings back to the other part of the crazy frogssssssssssssss <3 Love you too! :B
    PS: I will, but I'm not yet sure whether I wouldn't prefer a journey to Sweden to holding your future guitar... :z

