söndag 30 maj 2010

Once upon a time there was a little girl...

... today this little girl turns 52! ;)

Heey on this very special day in a Roxette-fan's life!! :D

Now the non-Roxers among you (well... do they read a blog called "Roxette-sisters"?? xD) may wonder why a May 30th should be such an important day. But I'm sure all our Roxer-readers have already been realizing for quite a long time that this day is a bit a special one because of our dear Marie Fredriksson's 52th birthday! ;)

So the Roxette-sisters didn't want to miss wishing her just the very best for the coming year of her life! I actually do not really know what else I should write on a day like this... there are sooo many things in a Marie-fan's mind today, but somehow I just don't know what to write down. I mean I could start raving about the one and only, but then please don't expect me to stop again! So I think a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig


has to be enough for the moment. :P The main point is that we think about her today and we surely do - very much! Well I always do that, but today probably even a bit more (if that's possible xD) ;)

That's what I just wanted to write about quickly. Sorry for a pretty short blog entry, but as I said, I didn't really know where to start talking about Marie and furthermore I have to hurry up a bit now... there will be a little celebration at my house too - but on the occasion of my own birthday which took place two days ago ;)

So have a great Marie's-birthday-Sunday and see you soon!

/one of Marie's biggest fans called Natta ;)

4 kommentarer:

  1. I was just going to go and write on our blog that she has her birthday today :P but I see that you have written so well :) and it is a bit pointless to write both. so yes,

    / Anki (;

  2. Oh really? Haha I didn't know that - I just saw that there was not yet written anything, so I thought about writing down some lines... although I didn't have a lot of inspiration or time :P

    / Natta (;

  3. awesome pic :DD happy b-day to her :3 she's the best of the fuuuuuuu***** worlddd really? *-* bästa att värl haha I don't know :D
    I love her ♥

    /Maggan (; (hahaha xD)

  4. Thanks a lot - or okay, I don't have to say thank you, because it's not a picture I took (you know how "beautiful" pictures I took xD), but anyway... great that you like it! ;D It took me quite a long time to find the right picture :P
    Of course she's världens bästa and I think I don't have to tell you how much I love her ;) ♥

    /Natta (;

