måndag 5 april 2010

Easter according to me

Hey!! :D

Have you all spent a nice Easter weekend?

I have, I think - particularly yesterday was very nice(the other days we didn't really celebrate Easter very much ;)). My family met at my aunt and my uncle's house where we enjoyed a great and funny day with a wonderful Easter meal.

Some pictures can be watched below:

Our Easter table which looked very nice, I think.

The Easter cake... but with chocolate and not with carrots :P

I got this Easter egg from my aunt and my uncle... isn't it sweet? ;D

... some say love it is a flower...
This picture actually doesn't have a lot to do with Easter, but I discovered this nice rose in front of this blue wall (I love the blue of this wall!) in my relative's house and I couldn't help taking a photo of it ;)

And last but not least a photo of the best chocolate bunny I've ever had ;)

After having spent this nice day with the family we almost had to hurry up a little. I knew that Deluxe Music would broadcast the "Night of the Proms 2009" tonight... and first it seemed as if we'd stay at my aunt and my uncle's house to watch it, but then we decided to go home and watch it there. I was a bit frightened that I would miss the most important three minutes (yes, I'm talking about Roxette's performance ;)), but luckily we arrived more or less on time and I could enjoy "Wish I Could Fly". God, what a feeling! Immediately I had to remember the night in Stuttgart... I thought I'd die when Marie Fredriksson appeared with this chair on stage... you see I'm on cloud #9 again... and I think I won't come down tonight, because soon Deluxe Music will broadcast the last part of the "Night of the Proms"... with three Roxette-songs!!! :D ♥

Therefore I'll stop writing now, I think. I should take a shower before 19.00, because right after the "Night of the Proms" I'll watch a German film called "Keinohrhasen". I saw it at the cinema a while ago and it was so great that I absolutely want to watch it again.

Okay then... enjoy your evening as much as I'll enjoy mine and see you!! / Natta.

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