onsdag 28 april 2010

One year ago...

Hey!! :D Natta's writing again - sorry for many updates by me, but as Anki said there didn't happen very much (apart from school and such things)in her life these days. And I just couldn't help writing some lines today.

Because exactly one year ago (on April 28th 2009) I could attend my first concert ever: the one by Per Gessle @ Kaufleuten in Zurich. I don't know exactly what to tell about it... everything was just so great, for example...:

... sitting on the train to Zurich listening to Per and being aware of the fact that I was only because of him on this train… that I’d hear and see him tonight… this made me smile hehe.

... meeting other fans I had only known from the internet, so it was very nice to meet them in real too.

... the AWESOME standing room I got - more or less in the middle, in about the third row... AWESOME, I'd have never expected being allowed to stand so close to the stage! It was a very special feeling to stand so close to Per and the band and I think this also doesn't happen so often (what a pity!), so I'm really happy that I got this chance!

... the concert itself which was GREAT! Per did a wonderful job - also without his stage partner Marie Fredriksson :P Haha nooo, I'm just kidding, of course I had already known that before the concert. But as a bit a bigger fan of Marie it was still a bit special to join a concert by Per Gessle solo... but as I said it was damn cool!

... meeting the band after the concert. It felt pretty strange (but very cool!) to stand suddenly next to them! I was so surprised how friendly they were: they talked to us and everybody got his/her autograph. Unfortunately my CD booklet didn’t get Per’s autograph… because after having stood in the cold and rainy night for quite a long time we found out that Per had already left the location. As he wrote later on it wasn’t possible to meet each other somewhere in the location and outside it was quite cold, so the artist’s health had priority… although it was a bit a pity anyway… but for me it wasn’t as sad as if we had been waiting for Marie too and meeting the band was also very cool!

I think that’s everything about the concert. Afterwards we went home again and I didn’t sleep very much that night :P

Have a sunny evening and see you! /Natta.

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