måndag 26 april 2010

Mild varm vår

Hey!! :D

What a nice idea of Anki to update our blog a bit, isn't it? This inspires me to blog a big too, although there isn't a lot to tell here either :P

Talking about the weather... Anki already mentioned that the weather was a bit different here in Switzerland and up there in Sweden and that can really be said again! On the day my dear Roxette-sister could see me sitting in a T-shirt and shorts on the balcony I was allowed to have a little look into a northern Swedish garden and I almost couldn't believe my eyes (okay I could, because I knew how much in the north Anki lived :P): Snow, everywhere snow! I really understand that she - and probably many other people up there too - is tired of the snow. I wouldn't want the snow back, although I've never complained about it during the winter. But now we have April and April means spring and spring doesn't mean snow in my opinion :P How shocked I was when we got some snow again in the beginning of April! But now I think we're over that - lately the thermometer showed around 20°C every day.

Some spring photos I took recently can be seen below. Maybe Anki could share some winter photos too? What a contrast that would be! xD

© by http://roxettesisters.blogspot.com

What’s on my mind otherwise? Well these days the rumour that Roxette would play in Germany was planted. I don’t really know what to think about this fact… of course it would be nice, because it’s about the only country apart from Switzerland where I could MAYBE go to to see them. But after our trip to Stuttgart, which actually didn’t take place so long ago, I’m no longer so sure whether Germany would be a real possibility for me. Shit, I just have to see them again! Well we’ll see what the future will bring… Germany is not yet sure at all either. But it’s possible… I mean after all the gigs in the north a concert in the south would be possible. Aaaah how I hate this uncertainty!!! Why can’t they mention all the gigs at the same time?? I mean if I knew that a certain concert was the last one I’d of course do everything to attend it, but I surely wouldn’t spend all my money to see them at the other side of the world and then they’d come near my home. But what if they didn’t come near my home? I could never forgive me for I didn’t gone to one of the concerts! Then I’d have never seen a full Roxette concert… and I’d have never met Marie (okay, that wouldn’t be sure after a concert either, but the chance to meet her there is surely much bigger than the one to meet her here in my village)… oh damn, I want a to know what’s what!

However… at least something else is for sure : That these days Roxette will go on with the vocals for the new album! And vocals means Marie, doesn’t it? I hope for some pictures or videos of their time in the studio, because with Marie everything is much more interesting to watch (at least for me :P)!

Okay, that’s it. Have a nice evening, dear readers! /Natta.

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