måndag 5 april 2010

Yeah, now I have seen Roxette live on German-internet-page ;)

Anki here again!! :D

Yes! as you can see, my Roxettesister written about her Easter weekend. and it feels like I should do it. but I have not done much. ;) was with my cousin all the time :D lol! and we have had fun with the webcam xD and yes. bought my Easter candy on Thursdays. and yes, mom pay and I pick :D (y)

Yes, and today say my Roxettesister that they will send NOTP live tonight at seven. (German and Swedish time) so yes. Now I sit and listen to some music from NOTP xD think Roxette is clear there. read that they had played a song yesterday. and played three tonight... so yes they are enough clear there ;) But it was wonderful to see them live again :D almost a year since I saw them!

No I have not much more to say. as I said, not done much in the weekend and yes. Roxette was the best tonight as usual ;) hehe. On Wednesday, I and my cousin go to a town called Luleå. we are going there and buy clothes and so :D (y) and on Friday I go with dad and family up to the mountains xD ;)

Yeah, see you!! =) ♥ / Anki

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