måndag 12 april 2010

Shopping II.

Good evening,

it so happened that I went shopping too... I really needed a little shopping tour again (I realized that the last time I went shopping was somewhen in december 2009 - OMG last year, haha!)! So I went into town with many things I wanted to buy on my mind. What I bought in the end can be seen below:

Surprise, surprise, I bought a CD too. It wasn't really planned to buy one, but then I found this one for a very good price, so I couldn't resist - as so often when I'm in a record shop :P

c.l.o.t.h.e.s ;)

This blouse I just bought as an "alternative" (okay, nothing is a real alternative for the other wonderful piece of clothing :P ♥) for the white blouse on the left I actually wanted to buy, but which was unfortunately sold out everywhere. What a pity, I still want it! :P

Btw: New ring too ;)

And another piece of jewellery... isn't it beautiful? It was the last one, so I just had to buy it!

Note: Everything (apart from the CD of course) is from H&M.

Okay, that's it, I think. Have a nice evening and call me if you have this white blouse and don't need it anymore haha! /Natta.

1 kommentar:

  1. Note from April 14th, 13.05:

    Guess what I bought this morning... the white blouse I had been looking for!!! OMG! Sooo happy.. because of a piece of clothing haha, but well... I can't believe it!
    Last week the saleswomen said that this blouse was already sold out and they wouldn't get it again. And yesterday my neighbour, who knew that I was looking for this blouse, went shopping and accidently (what a luck!) discovered this blouse. So she wanted to buy it for me and tried to call to ask because for the size, but I wasn't at home. In the evening she came and told me about her discovery... God, I couldn't believe it, I was (and of course still am ;)) so happy! So I immediately had to go and buy it today. And now I'm sitting here with my new must have next to me hehe.

    I just wanted to say this ;)

    /Natta who's sooo happy right now!

