måndag 26 april 2010

Never is a long time!

Hey!!! it's Anki here :D

it has not happened so much on this blog in a while :P so yeah, I thought it was about time to write a bit ;) not because I have something special to write...

Here in northern Sweden. so is the snow still remains. and I want summer NOW!!!! :D but no.... if we are lucky that the snow is gone in May. but it has happened that it will snow in June also. YOU UNDERSTAND, June!!!! two years ago, then came the snow a week before we got the summer holidays xD nice - or not -.-

On Friday when I chatted with my Roxette-sister :) so she sat outside in the sun and it was nice. I would also like it ♥ =)
But yes, once it is summer and I'm sitting and waiting in line to see Roxette, sooooooonnnn :D :D ♥

Otherwise, as I struggle in school. and so ;) today I begin half past eleven in sports. I hate it. but must be with anyway -.-

Okay. this post was not funny :P but now it is a bit new here anyways xD ;D
Now I must go, gotta get me into the school before mom comes ;)

ROX ON!!! see you next time ♥ =D / Anki

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