tisdag 6 april 2010

He & His Birthday

Hey!! :D

Natta is writing again, but don't worry, this time I won't write as much as I wrote the last times :P

I just couldn't help writing some lines about Mikael Bolyos' (one of the musicians I like and husband of our dear Marie Fredriksson ;))birthday which is today. Okay, you may say that his birthday won't change a lot in my daily life and actually it really doesn't... but in a way it feels a bit special anyway when it's a famous person you like's birthday. So yeah... happy birthday to him!
I already congratulated him on Facebook (how nice to be friends there, I think!) this morning and now I'm waiting for a reaction. I hope there will come one, because I attached a portrait I drew of him... so you can imagine how nice it would be to know what he thinks about my work! ;) We'll see, first he should enjoy his day now, I think.

I think I'll go and benefit a bit from this wonderful day too. It's almost too beautiful to sit in front of the laptop, so I think I'll go for a little walk soon.

Have a sunny afternoon and see you! / Natta.

1 kommentar:

  1. Happy b-day to him c:
    greetings for the the roxette twin c:

    maggan :DD

